· Finding a job in the midst of a worldwide pandemic can be a very challenging task, but it’s definitely not impossible.
· Having the willingness to change (or adapt) your main career discipline is key to succeed in finding a new opportunity right now.
· Your main attitude towards the search and its outcome will play a significant role in actually finding a job at the end of the process.
If you have been recently laid off, or you were in the midst of a job hunt when the recent pandemic caught you by surprise, do not worry; we have gathered the four most direct tips we can share with you in order to help you find a suitable career, fast!
Tip #1: Become Visible
LinkedIn recently reached 706 million users worldwide, making it basically ‘the mecca’ of recruiters all around the globe. Its articulated algorithm allows Human Resources Managers to find you in a faster way, thanks to the assistance of the advanced LinkedIn AI engine that analyses the keywords you used while building your profile.
This is both good and bad news. It’s bad news because this means you need to compete against an ocean of candidates that are all trying to optimize their profile with the related keywords, and the ‘real estate’ space is limited, so you need to be careful in how you craft your LinkedIn profile.
But it is also good news because if you can tweak a bit your descriptions, spend some time reading about how to optimize your profile, you will be able to found much faster, and you will be preferred to others.
Don’t overdo it. Simply try to include some of the keywords you find in most job vacancies you apply to, and that interest you. Try to be different. There are plenty of articles that clearly explain to you how to improve your profile’s quality and add a small touch to catch the attention of a Head Hunter or recruiter. Here’s one very good from our CEO: https://inhuntworld.com/14-elements-of-a-good-linkedin-profile/
Be active on Linkedin, regularly post your own content or add interesting comments to other articles you decide to share. Become visible. Add relevant profiles from different companies and try to engage by adding value towards who you reach. Before asking, give.
Tip #2: Keep on Learning
This is a good moment to work on your skills and abilities while still looking for career most of your time. On platforms like Coursera, Linkedin Learning ( www.linkedin.com/learning ), and many others, you can find many incredibly valid courses, some of which are exactly compatible with those you could find in a university, and most will give you an internationally valid certificate once you complete the course.
Many courses are also free, although studies show that you are likely not to value what you don’t pay for and probably won’t complete the course if it’s free. Online courses are cheap, however. You could even consider hiring a career coach or advisor in order to explore which could be the key skills you can invest in.
Learning will also keep you motivated, mentally intrigued and allow you to feel that you are evolving, even if right at this moment, you might be without work. You might be able to interact with the teachers and other students, keeping you overall more engaged, while most of your time, you can still invest in the job search. It will be a good break from sending curriculums and more productive for you than just switching to watch Netflix when you need a break.
Tip #3: Be open-minded when you search
We know, we feel you. Job searching is an intensive and sometimes tense activity.
There are all sorts of insecurities that might subconsciously rise when we are looking for a new professional opportunity. “Will I be the right fit?”, “who will hire me in this economic environment?” “companies only hire IT, developers, now, and I am not an IT expert at all”. These are all normal limiting beliefs we all have in one way or another, but don’t let the job hunt ghosts distract you from your goal.
Companies are still hiring, surely in less quantity, and some sectors have been particularly damaged from what has happened since March 2020 until now, but there are new opportunities still present, and you also have great news on your side. With more and more jobs going entirely to remote-work, this means that you no longer need to live near a large capital in order to find a compelling work opportunity. You can work from anywhere with your remote-team, and this literally multiplies by ten your chances.
Don’t narrow down the search uniquely based on your abilities and experience. Be bold, ambitious, and a pinch aggressive even. Get out there and apply to a variety of jobs, most companies are ready to train you, and each business truly has a unique identity, so you will still need a three months learning curve even if you cover an identical position. Companies are looking for the right candidate in a variety of aspects. Your studies and work experience are only a small part of the puzzle.
Tip #4: Don’t underestimate online interviews
We see how many candidates understandingly relax a bit more when the interviews are online. This is a very bad idea, however. Make sure that you have these series of details under close control before you start an interview. You actually probably need to spend even more attention on an online interview. The first impression is the one that lasts!
Make sure to dress well and that you have tested the setup of your call with a friend with plenty of time in advance. Earphones with a microphone (headset) is a must. The recruiter will need to hear you well. Keep your camera at eye level and try to look as much as possible into the camera and not at your screen. Have a 5 minutes walk outdoors a bit before your call. This will put you in the right mood and wake you up a bit more, so you are fresh and ready to go. Oh yes, don’t forget the keys!
Have your curriculum at hand, possibly printed. Make sure you read about the company and try to see if there are any relevant, fresh news about them that you comment upon. Look up your interviewer on Linkedin so you have a sense of what their background is. Maybe you can find a connection point with them somewhere. Be confident and speak directly, you are great, and you are worth it.
We know this might feel like a complex time to look for a job, but as we mentioned at the beginning, your whole attitude towards this will be your main ally. If you believe you will find a job, you will probably end up sending more CVs each day. You are likely to be perceived as more energetic and positive in the interviews. It truly will make a tangible difference. No new-age magic here. Good luck, and don’t give up!
InHunt World is the Global Network of headhunting companies that can help you find the candidate you are struggling with 3 to 6 weeks maximum. Contact us now for a free consultation: info@inhuntworld.com